

Thursday, July 26, 2012

7 months

7 Month Stats
*a week or so late!
Weight:  16.5 lbs. or so (we have a temperamental scale!) 10th percentile

Clothes: C is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. My current favorites are his jeans and overalls. :) He loves anything that has animals on the feet... they go straight into his mouth!

This month we were blessed to be able to borrow an exersaucer from a family from church. C LOVES this and is instantly entertained. Its bee fun to see him learn and explore what he can do: turn, bounce, reach, grab... so fun! He still loves the Itsy Bitsy Spider and it is our go to song to calm him down and make him smile. While driving down the road you can expect to hear Kerry and I belting this out. His favorite toys are "Fent", his keys and his bath toys.

Christian is currently exploring his mouth- spitting, jabbering, sticking his tongue out, etc. He rediscovered that he can roll over and does this a lot and is starting to practice sitting up but we are not there quite yet. He is also making consonant sounds. Biggest change this month is that he had solids for the first time. So far he has had rice cereal, avocado, banana, and sweet potato. We are also monitoring C's head shape. Based on his in-utero positioning he is possibly a candidate for helmet therapy and we would know more in the next month or so.

Wake up- 8:00ish
3 naps- 9:30ish, 12ish and 3ish
Bed- 7ish with one waking around 3 or 4
Still using the wedge and swaddle!

Firsts and Fun!
*celebrated his dad for Father's Day
* road trip to Yakima
* first ferry ride
* first hotel overnight for CG "camping "trip"
*first 4th of July
*helped his mom clean out her classroom so she can stay home :)
*doctor's appt at Children's... will he need a helmet?
* first real belly laugh- he thinks his mom is a funny singer


  1. So precious, what is helmet therapy?

    ♥ Ashley

  2. Yeah... what is helmet therapy??

  3. It's basically where he would have to wear a special helmet for a few months that helps his head shape and mold properly.
