I can not believe that I am writing Christian's one year update! What a year this has been and when I reflect back on all that C has been through, accomplished, and learned I am blown away. He truly brings us so much joy and I love him more that I could have ever imagined.
Clothes: Christian is in 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers
This kid has become so active and inquisitive. He loves to put toys in baskets and take them out. He studies each one and definitely has an opinion now as to what books he wants to read and what toys he wants to play with and makes that known. Blocks are still a favorite but I also love that he will just sit on his own and flip through books.
Christian has 4 teeth, two on top and two on the bottom. The top teeth make him look so much older! He is crawling and cruising. He loves to point things out and is constantly jabbering. He has started to mimic what we say which is really fun. His first official word was "dada" followed closely with "mama" and "yeah". His helmet therapy is going great and this one seems to fit him well and he is already making progress.
Wake up- 6:30ish
Naps- 9 and 1:30
Bed- 7:00/7:30
Firsts and Fun!
*Thanksgiving at the cabin
* Uncle Kris' wedding
*top teeth are through
*first words
*Christmas tree hunt
I love him and can't believe he is one!!