

Saturday, March 16, 2013

15 months

Monthly Stats
Weight: 21.19 lbs. (8%)
Length: 31 in. (43%)
Head Circumference: 18.86 in. (69%)

My little baby... is no longer a baby. Where did time go?! He is definitely now a toddler, making his opinion known, showing personality and trying oh so hard to communicate with us. 
just hanging out...
Some of His Current Words: "moo moo" = smoothie, dada, mama, nana, papa, "enna" = makenna, "lala" = elmo, bye, yeah, no, "boo boo" peek a boo, book, ball.. and he pretty much mimics everything we say!

We have a walker!!! Finally at 15 months Christian has taken his first steps. He is still unsure and a bit unstable on his feet but he is definitely trying and getting better each day. C also has 7 teeth, four on top and three on the bottom. 
pretending to be a baby in the swing :)
C loves to play with blocks, his dump trucks and cars, books and his toy barn. He is starting to figure out how to stack two blocks on top of each other. I love when he asks me to read his bible to him. So sweet!
being silly!
He is still taking two naps, one around 9:30 and another around 2:00. He wakes up for the day at 6:30 (early for me!) and goes to bed around 7:30. Although this "schedule" does seem to change daily as C unfortunately has been suffering through a never ending ear infection :(

spiky hair!
In these last few months, we have enjoyed going to the Y where C loves to play in the child watch area. (I love this too as it is a great break for me and he gets to play with other kiddos.) 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Favorite Books...currently

C loves to read books. We read books before each nap and before bedtime. He will also grab his basket of books and quietly sit and flip through them throughout the day. I ALWAYS have books in my diaper bag too! What is funny is that he is really opinionated as to what books he likes to read and he usually has a few at a time that he always want to read. But these change day to day and week to week.

 Here are a few of his current favorites... (subject to change on a daily basis!)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring Sensory Bin

Now that March is here, I can get into "Spring" mode, including some of C's activities. So this week we headed out to the dollar store to stock up on some cool and cheap supplies for his Spring sensory bin.

 Here is what we grabbed:
Easter Eggs
Cotton Balls
Easter Basket Grass/Stuffing

 I threw it all into one of his sensory tubs and viola! So far he has loved "hunting" for the eggs which I hope means he will be completely competitive for our annual easter egg hunt in the next few weeks :)

 ** after a few minutes I made a quick decision to move the play onto one of our dollar store shower curtains to help with easy clean up!